The Redwood Times - Fundamental Transformation


My name is Dale K. Mensing. I am a working man. I am running for Congress for the purpose of defending the integrity of the Bill of Rights.

The past twenty years or so have brought to my ears the repeated exclamation that, "We just have to accept the fact that the Bill of Rightsjust isn't real for us anymore." Well, the Bill of Rights is very real for me. I will defend that reality by exposing attacks on freedom. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for enough good people to do nothing.

The purpose of the 20,000 page Affordable Care Act is for it to serve as a foundation for the fundamental transformation of the United States. The ACA is a foundation for transformation because it is a setting for attacking the freedom of religion, the right to privacy, and the right
not to be objectified by the government. Freedom of religion is being attacked because millions of citizens embrace a spiritual sanctification which requires separation from any system that even appears to endorse contraception and or abortion. The right to privacy is being attacked because, within the ACA, there is a non-HIPAA compliant statement in a "hidden source code" which states, "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication of any data transmitted or stored in this information system." Let me assure you that every diminishing of your privacy is a diminishing of your freedom.

We are being objectified as our right to the freedom of self-determination is being systematically challenged. We are being told to sign up and purchase a product that is designed for the purpose of our subjugation. Article I, Section 8 of the constitution makes it clear that laws should be "necessary and proper." Attacking freedom under the guise of providing help is anything but necessary and proper. It has been said, "Control health care and you control the people."

As your Congressman, I will work to achieve a constitutional answer to our health care troubles. To begin with, we need to put the patient first. This means that the ACA needs to be revoked. We must be aware that a primary author of the ACA, Robert Creamer, is a radical communist criminal who espouses systems of deceit to gain public acceptance of the law. Deceiving the public is the opposite of putting the patient first. Voting to approve a law without reading it is not a way of putting the patient first, either. And, putting the patient first means putting the whole patient first, including their religious faith.

Of course, we need to guarantee entitlements already provided in MediCare. We should consider providing different approaches for different types of people: Something akin to a health savings account for those who could best benefit from that approach. We need plans that encourage
rather than discourage doctors to serve in rural and remote communities. Also, finding a way to evolve away from absolute Federal oversight of health care would certainly be in the best interest of the patient. The people of Northern California certainly know what to do for the people of northern California far better than Washington D.C. Knows what to do for the people of Northern California.

I know that exemplary health care and truth must co-reside
I respectfully encourage the reader to attend a fund raising rally at the Garberville Vets Hall on Friday, July 18th at 7:00 PM.
